Wednesday, September 30, 2009

9-24-09 Visit to the Pemberton Oak

On September 24th the OVTA made a visit to the Pemberton Oak. Since 1975 the OVTA has visited the Pemberton Oak. Here, under this tree, is where Pemberton's militia mustered in to take part in the campaign to the Battle of Kings Mountain. It was under this very tree in 1780 that this event took place.

Unfortunately the Pemberton Oak fell from the weight of its age and all that is left of this stately tree is the huge stump seen below. Even after the loss of the tree, the OVTA continues to visit this picturesque site and a visit with Mrs. Vaughn. This property has been in her family since the 1780's.

Mrs. Vaughn is a gracious lady and always welcomes our visit.

Alan Bowen and Mrs. Vaughn discussing all of the history that has taken place on this site.
The OVTA militia preparing to fire a volley in honor of the history.

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