Thursday, September 25, 2008

Abingdon Schools see the Overmountain Men off

It is September 24th, the day the Overmountain Men left the Muster ground on their campaign to the battle of Kings Mountain.Today Abingdon schools were there to see them off.

The school children had the opportunity to march alongside the Overmoutain men as they set out on their journey.

Abingdon 4th graders muster in and prepare to begin the march to the Battle if Kings Mountain

The school children march off with the Overmountain Men as the 2 week journey begins.

Alas, it is time for them to waive goodbye to their heroes.
Many thanks to the city of Abingdon and the surrounding school systems for making the past 3 days possible. It has been quite an educational experience for one thousand plus students.
Now on to Bluff City. The Campaign to the Battle of Kings Mountain has just begun. We will not stop until we catch up with Major Patrick Furgeson and his Tory Army and defeat them.


Tina Bishop said...

Waiting on ya'll in Rutherfordton can't wait to see all of ya.
wishing ya each a safe trip.
see ya's tomorrow

Tina Bishop said...

Looking forward to ya'll getting here, Have a safe trip.

Tina Bishop said...

Click here: Over The Mountain Men

Uploaded the video....

Bud Pittman said...

I visited the Pemberton Oak in the summer right before it fell. It was an inspirational experience for me to touch the tree and walk around under it knowing that Revolutionary War soldiers bivouaced there on the way to a great military victory. I'm glad to see that local groups keep its memory alive. - Bud Pittman, Hope Mills, NC 2010